Thursday 19th April 2018
Front Squat 2-2-2 25-20-15 Unbroken thrusters (no pausing anywhere) Bar Facing Burpees
Wednesday 18th April 2018
‘Lynne’ Five Rounds of: Max Bench Press at Body Weight/ ¾ BW for females Max Pull Ups (strict)
Tuesday 17th April 2018
Buy In 500m Row then AMRAP in remainder of 18 minutes: 20 Box jump 24”/20” 15 Toes to Bar 10 Kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg 5 Wall Climbs
Monday 16th April 2018
‘Isabel’ For Time: 30 snatches 60kg/42.5kg Finisher: 50 Partner med ball sit ups
Saturday 14th April 2018
‘The Chief’ 5 x 3 min AMRAPs: 3 Power Cleans 60kg/42.5kg 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 min between AMRAPs, start each round where you...
Friday 13th April 2018
‘Jackie’ 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 20kg/15kg 30 Pull ups
Thursday 12th April 2018
Push Press 3-3-3 Push Jerk 3-3-3 Finisher: Tabata Abs: Scissors with DB or KB in one hand, swap hands ever 10 sec
Wednesday 11th April 2018
4 RFT: 15 Box Jumps 24”/20” 15 Deadlifts 70kg/50kg 400m Run
Tuesday 10th April 2018
EMOM for 10 min: 1 Power snatch & 2 Overhead squat (increase weight each time) AMRAP in 10 min: 5 Snatch (42.5kg/30kg) 3 Muscle Ups
Monday 9th April 2018
30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots 20lb/14lb Sit Ups Ball Slams 15kg/12kg Finisher: 2 x: 30 sec on, 30 sec off Chin over the bar hold Top of the...